a place for body & mind practices



a place for body & mind practices



a place for body & mind practices

Welcome to our website

Nestled on a causse in the Lot, SomaSati opens a space dedicated to practices that explore and refine the body-mind relationship, call upon the imagination and take care of the Being, the Living and its environment.

Between maples, rocks and lichens, SomaSati offers an island of calm and nature conducive to immersion, to connection to the elements, to host research, transmission and creation projects.

With the body, Soma, as an anchorage and entry into matter, with Sati, the mind, as a vehicle of infinite curiosity, vector of attention and intention, we are interested in the disciplines that cultivate these dimensions, by bridging theory and practice, experience and reflection, on the lookout for the poetics that emerge.

Soma in Greek, Sati in Sanskrit, two ancient languages ​​of the East and the West, to remind us of the ancestral lineages of our practices, while encouraging a dynamic sharing of current knowledge, freed from unnecessary walls.

SomaSati is interested in creating bridges between disciplines by declining in the same range, the artistic, the taking care and the being-well, as the different branches of a common core where the personal, the cultural and the societal are intertwined.

Through its proposals, the SomaSati project aims to support the development of presence, to oneself, to others and to the world, by nourishing an approach tending towards an expanded, pacified and embodied consciousness.


Through courses, workshops, residencies, public presentations, thematic projects or more festive events, we invite you to immersive experiences, often somatic, or to impromptu encounters around singular events.

Global Underscore

Du vendredi 21 juin au 23 juin 2024

” Il y a par dessus tout la complétude du nerf. Complétude qui tient toute la conscience, et les chemins occultes de l’esprit dans la chair. »

Antonin Artaud, Position de la Chair